Lessico A Day in the Life
Vuoi capire meglio la canzone A day in the life?
News: notizie
Grade: voto
Photograph: fotografia
Traffic light: semaforo
Crowd: folla, moltitudine, pubblico
Face: faccia volto, viso
House of Lords: (in the UK) the higher chamber of Parliament, composed of peers and bishops.
Army: esercito
Book: libro
Bed: letto
Comb: pettine
Brush: spazzola
Coat: cappotto
Hat: cappello
Hole: buco
Peacetime: tempo di pace
Main character: protagonista
Tube: metro
Read: leggere
Make the grade: Succeed; reach the desired standard. riuscire
Have to: dovere
See: vedere
To blow : soffiare
To blow (to shoot): sparare, fare fuoco
Change: cambiarsi
Stand: stare
Stare: fissare
Drag: trascinare
Drink: bere
Look: guardare
Notice: notare, accorgersi
Find: trovare
Grab: prendere, afferrare
Win: vincere
Turn away: voltare le spalle
Turn on: accendere, far arrapare
Have a smoke: fumare
Count: contare
Fill: riempire
‘you can prepare a healthy meal in ten minutes flat’
Lucky: fortunato
Late: in ritardo
Small: piccolo
In (five seconds) flat: Used with an expression of time to emphasize how quickly something can be done or has been done.
Downstairs: giù
Oh boy: cavolo!
Usually: di solito
Get out the wrong side of bed: Start the day in a bad mood, which continues all day long.
How often. Ogni quanto.
How often do you go to work? I go to work every day. I go to work five times a week.
Have you ever eaten sushi before? Yes I ate some sushi last winter. No I have never eaten sushi before. Do you ever send faxes? Yes, I often send faxes. No, I never send faxes.
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